Get Involved

We need lots of help during the weekend to have a successful RYLA program. Share the excitement with about 200 high school sophomores you have chosen as they learn, share and grow! Come for a few hours – or the whole weekend!

Notes: Due to Youth Protection requirements, all Rotary and non-Rotary volunteers must be pre-registered in advance with our volunteer coordinator.

In addition, all volunteers, 18 and over must pass a Cori check.

  • First Aider
  • Help us to find Volunteers
  • Support Team
  • Session Leader
  • Volunteer Check-In
If you would like to help on the RYLA Planning Committee, Contact Us.

Questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact

Frequently Asked Questions from Volunteers

Who should volunteer?

Each club that sends RYLA students is asked to send volunteers. In addition, we welcome volunteers from other clubs as well. No prior experience is needed!

How long is the time commitment for volunteers?

It depends on which time block(s) you choose… Time blocks vary from about 3 to 6 hours (8 hours for Night Monitors). You should also plan for commuting time, as well as parking and check-in.

What if I need to leave early?

We ask that you stay for the full time-block(s) that you’ve signed up for, to help ensure that the RYLA program runs smoothly. (Emergencies will of course be accommodated.)

Can I volunteer for more than one time slot?

Absolutely! Many volunteers sign up for more than one time block… in fact, you can even sign up for multiple days.

Can I specify my preference for job role?

We will do our best to assign you to your preferred volunteer role, however limited resources may require us to make scheduling adjustments.

Do volunteers have to be Rotarians? - i.e., can my spouse or partner help? What about a friend?

Spouses/partners and even friends are welcome. Adults only.

Do I need to have any particular skills, or CPR certification, or anything like that?

No special skills are needed. (However, if you do have special skills, you may want to mention that in the notes when you sign up.)

Is there any kind of training provided?

If you’re a first-time volunteer, you’ll most likely be given a support role, which includes on-the-job training.

There is a required zoom orientation/training session held before RYLA. 

All Session Leaders must be trained prior to RYLA Weekend.

Do I need to be CORI certified?

Yes. After you sign up, you will be sent information to initiate the submission of a CORI check.

Where is RYLA held?

Most sessions will be held indoors at Hammond Campus Center (160 North Street) when at Fitchburg State University, or outside in the quad.  Other venues as described in the Schedule.

PARKING is free and conveniently located. Look for RYLA signs.

Will I need to pay for parking?

No, free parking is available.

Do I need to check in somewhere?

YES – All volunteers must check in at the information desk inside the front door of the venue. This is very important as it allow us to confirm any last minute scheduling changes and for us to answer any questions you might have. 

Do I need to get there early?

Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your shift, which should be early enough to park, check in, and get to your building/classroom prior to the session start time. 

What should I wear?

We encourage volunteers to wear RYLA gear, items with the Rotary logo, comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes, in that order of preference. Casual attire is fine! Note: some activities are outside. The Closing Ceremony is a little more formal.

What about food?

If you volunteer multiple shifts, you may dine with us and the students. 

If I’m volunteering for more than one day, are there overnight accommodations?

For volunteers that assist for multiple days, you may be eligible and may request overnight accommodations through the online signup. 

Will my club get any kind of credit for this?

YES! This counts as a Youth Service activity, and it’s a great thing to put on your club’s Presidential Citation application!


Each year, we need students who have completed the RYLA program in prior years to serve as Group Facilitators (GFs) and Program Facilitators (PFs). In addition to being present for the entire RYLA weekend, GF and PF candidates must also attend scheduled preparatory meetings in the months leading up to RYLA. Group Facilitators apply by December 15 and are chosen in January. Program Facilitators apply by November 17 and are chosen in December. All GFs and PFs must register online and complete the “Addendum” paperwork.  

This program was one of the reasons I became a teacher. I’ve been a part of it since I was a sophomore in high school and now I teach them! It’s thrilling to see these young students become confident leaders. I see myself in many of them.

Kelsea, 2006 RYLA Alum

Facilitators FAQ

What is a Facilitator?

A facilitator is a Junior or Senior in high school who attended the RYLA program their Sophomore year: we call these students Group Facilitators (GFs) and Program Facilitators (PFs) respectively.

Each group of 6-7 students will be placed with a Group Facilitator. These GFs will support and guide the students throughout the RYLA weekend.

We recruit between 3 and 6 Program Facilitators each year. PFs are in charge of running RYLA. They were GFs last year and know the ropes, and we entrust them with the “behind the scenes” work.

Who pays for Facilitators to attend RYLA?

The cost of Facilitator tuition is shared by all participating clubs. A small portion of each club’s Reservation check is allocated to cover the costs of the Facilitators.

Do Facilitators have a Sponsor Club?

Technically no, however they were sponsored by a club their sophomore year, so this is the Rotary club that can (and should!) invite them to a meeting.

How does someone apply to be a Group Facilitator?

 In December, the District RYLA Committee sends out an email to all RYLA participants from the previous June. If a student would like to become a Group Facilitator, they must email a letter answering the questions and send all of the requirements.

Group Facilitator (GF) applications are due January 1.

The committee will then hold a “call-back” session to interview the students and select next year’s Group Facilitators.

How does someone apply to be a Program Facilitator?

In November, the District RYLA Committee sends out an email to all Group Facilitators from the previous June. If a previous GF would like to become a PF, they must email a letter answering all the questions and send all of the requirements.

Program Facilitator (PF) applications are due December 1.

PF selections are made mid-December.

How do Facilitators register for RYLA?

Facilitators will register for RYLA much the same way that students register. We will give you directions on how to do so when you are chosen.