ClubPack and Support Materials

Your Step-by-Step Guide to RYLA!


FAQ For Clubs


Check Club Reservations

Training for Club RYLA Chairs

The ClubPack and Support Materials will help guide your club to a successful RYLA experience. Literally hundreds, if not thousands, of hours have been spent developing these materials. They will be invaluable to your Club RYLA Chair and any others who want to understand a Rotary Club’s part in the RYLA program.

(Last Updated in 2017)

The ClubPack Manual contains detailed instructions and references to the documents you and your students will need.
Support Materials for distribution (posters, forms, etc.) are contained in the ClubPack.
ClubPack zip file (2 MB) to be downloaded and extracted on your computer.
Please be sure to read the customization instructions contained in the Read Me file.
Click on each heading below to see the files available in that file format. There are different customization instructions, depending upon the file format used.

No Customization Required

Customization is not needed on these documents. Simply print or email these files as needed.
RYLA Interview Evaluation Form – for interviewers
RYLA Interview Questions – for interviewers
RYLA Selection Guidelines – for Selection Partners and interviewers
RYLA Selection Partner Info Sheet – for Selection Partners
Customize these documents using Microsoft Word or another other word-processing software. Replace all red text with information specific to your club. If you prefer, you can cut-and-paste the contents onto your own club letterhead. Or you can simply use these as examples to create your own materials. DOC Customization Instructions.
Customize these PDF forms using Adobe Reader (version 8 or later), or create your own materials using these PDF files as examples. PDF files can be a little trickier to customize than Doc files. Please be sure to read these PDF Customization Instructions for best results.

Club Reservations

Decide how many students you will sponsor.


Complete the eZ Space Reservation Form and send in payment no later than March 1.

Mail to the RYLA Payments Person or PAY ONLINE

See your reservation form for the online payment link or click here for the address.

Click here to see how many students your club has sponsored in recent years.

Training for Club RYLA Chairs

The district RYLA Committee will provide training to prepare you and your club for RYLA. All Club RYLA Chairs are required to attend this training. If your club does not have a RYLA Chair, the club’s President or another representative must attend.

See the district calendar  for dates and to RSVP.

Samples & Suggestions from other Rotary Clubs

Share Your Success!

Does your club have a special flyer, press release, letter, or other custom document that you use for RYLA?  We’re happy to feature it here as a resource for other Rotary Clubs.

Send your materials to
Please include a 1-2 sentence description of what each file is used for.

PLEASE NOTE: These materials and suggestions are provided as a courtesy only. RYLA7910 cannot provide support for third party materials. We have not reviewed the materials and make no claim as to suitability, effectiveness or usability.


RYLA Chair Training
“Thank You For Applying To RYLA” letter
144 K Doc
courtesy of Bedford Rotary Club